some of the best times in life are sitting with good friends and enjoying a piece of pie or …….

Tag Archives: Trader Joe’s

I have a great recipe for basic peanut butter cookies.  It’s a no-fail.  This time I took to replacing the sugar with raw honey.  When you use honey to bake you need to lessen the liquid by about 1/4 of a cup (FYI – 1 egg is about 1/4 cup).  Sometimes you need to lesson the amount of honey simply because it is very sweet compared to sugar.  You will find that honey brings out the flavors of the other ingredients – especially in fruit pies.  The fruit flavor is magnified to a delicious natural taste!

In this recipe, once the ingredients were all mixed, I threw in a blop of Trader Joe’s Cocoa Almond Spread – www.traderjoes.comYou could substitute that with Nutella.


1 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup raw honey

1 tsp. vanilla

1- 1/4 to 1- 1/2 cups flour

3/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt


Cream together the butter and peanut butter till smooth (by hand or electric mixer).  Add honey and vanilla and then the dry ingredients.


Add your blop of chocolate spread and just “marble” it in gently.











Place dough onto un-greased sheets and

flatten with lightly floured fork.

Bake in preheated 375 degree oven

and bake for 8-10′

Cool on racks or however you like to cool them and


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