some of the best times in life are sitting with good friends and enjoying a piece of pie or …….

Tag Archives: brothers

When I was a kid in NJ, the local bakery in our town made, what we called, Linzer Tarts.  They were a large round cookie with raspberry jelly type filling with another cookie with cut-out hole on top all covered with powdered sugar!  My favorite.  They are pretty popular in the northern part of Jersey and New York City.

linzer-cookie-2-cookies  Well, as you can see they look delicious!  South Jersey could never replicate them.  It’s a “cultural thing”.  Several years ago my brothers and families gathered at my mom’s and my younger brother came up to me and asked if I wanted a linzer tart.  Hello??  Of course I did.  He went to the car and came back in and the two of us sat at the kitchen table dumping powdered sugar all over ourselves and the table.  My big bro came and asked where his was.  I became 6 years old again and Pete became 2- I swear!  Sheepishly, he was told there weren’t anymore.  I told him it was given to me.  My husband came in and said , “Do I get one?”  I said, “No, my brother gave it to me.” I ate the whole thing!

His wife told me later that it was worse than we thought.  He went and bought several and kept them in the car at his in-laws.  From time to time he went outside for no apparent reason.  She, and their 3 lovely daughters, discovered he had a stash out in the car and shared them with no one – except me on that special day.  I felt really good about myself and no guilt whatsoever about the whole non-sharing thing.

Once a year, I make Shortbread Hearts.  While they are not like the ones from back east, they are pretty darn awesome.  The cookie is shortbread – you can never go wrong there – and the combination with the jelly is heavenly.  Enjoy this recipe!







Oven at 350 degrees

In Mixer: beat butter, sugar for 2 minutes.

Beat in vanilla and salt.  Using a spoon, add flour 1 cup at a time. I did use a mixer to just incorporate flour)

Divide dough in half – roll between wax paper – cool if necessary in refrigerator.

Cut out hearts or shape you want.  Be sure to cut out equal number of solid cookies for bottom and window cut out for tops.

Bake on ungreased sheets for 10-15 minutes.

Cool.  Spread Raspberry jam on bottoms (in middle) and place tops on and sprinkle with powdered sugar!


IMG_3112IMG_3115These are not the best pics – I used small cutter for windows on large cookie on left.  On right, I made small hearts and used end of chop stick to make window.