some of the best times in life are sitting with good friends and enjoying a piece of pie or …….

A New Pie

Yogi Berra

“Cut my pie into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight.”
― Yogi Berra
Well said, Yogi, well said.
On that note, I decided to make a “new ” pie.  I made a crust out of oatmeal cookie dough.  I like the Oatmeal Cookie recipe on the Quaker Oats site or box – without the raisins.
So, I simply put the dough in a pie plate and set another pie plate over top and pushed down on it so it spread evenly in the pan.  I baked it at 350 degrees till done.  Cool it completely.
While that was cooling, I took a recipe from for double chocolate cream pie – or use your favorite recipe.  But instead of using any unsweetened chocolate in this recipe, I lessened the sugar and used all milk chocolate  – chocolate chips.
As per the directions, I poured it into the cooled pie crust and covered immediately with plastic wrap – so a skin will not form on the filling – and popped it into the refrigerator until ready to serve.  You should keep it in fridge for at least 4 hours.  Top it with your favorite whipped cream topping and I sprinkled a crumbled oatmeal cookie over the top.
BAM!  It was a hit among some visitors.  And I have to say it was quite good.
We sat together eating perfectly grilled burgers on the Weber Grill – charcoal – with 2 beautiful people and then made a pot of coffee with half of the beans from – their Autumn Harvest blend that is now back for the season – and the “new” Oatmeal Cookie Chocolate Cream Pie!  It was an incredible evening.
Until next time, think Pie! 🙂
cate b

The “Deeper Dessert”

I was greatly taken with the movie “Julie and Julia”.  The idea that someone would set out to cook 1 Julia Child meal a day for a year was fascinating and then blog about it.  Awesome idea!  I had thought of making a pie a week – no.  I did, however, bake pies to sell – that was fun!  I put that on hold due to moving.  I’m ready now to make more pies ……. and muffins, cakes, cookies, coffee cake …… I love to bake and I love even more the results when others partake of those desserts!

When my two youngest sons were in about 5th and 7th grades, I asked one of them,  “What kind of cake do you want for your birthday?”  “I want apple pie”, he replied, “never really liked birthday cake”.

Not like birthday cake?  How does one go through life not liking birthday cake? And how does a mother not know that?  Well, apple pie it was!

Many birthday pies later………. I find myself in a new era of life.  Kids all grown and out of the house.  Went through the loss of our only daughter.  Moved to mid-west leaving grand children on east coast.  Sigh.  So many changes.  What to do now?

Well, I realized I have a great amount of creative juices boiling in me and spending the last 6 years working for a police department (so black and white) I was ready to burst if I didn’t do SOMETHING creative.  I gave a lot of thought about what I would LOVE to do ……. draw, paint, make cards (which I CANNOT do without my daughter-in-law present), pursue music for the 1,000th time, bake, cook, raise dogs, crochet, knit, …… WAIT! Back up.  Bake.  I LOVE to bake.  I LOVE to bake pies!

I got nostalgic.  Our family seems to gather together and talk about food – especially right after we cooked and devoured an incredible meal – we talk about how we’ll cook it next time!  And pie comes up a lot.  I thought back to my child hood – baby boomer – and gatherings.  The following song was popular, I think prior to my existence, but I remember it as a child.  The lyrics follow:

Irving Berlin:

Why worry when skies are gray
Why should we complain
Let’s laugh at the cloudy day
Let’s sing in the rain
Songwriters say the storm quickly passes
That’s their philosophy
They see the world through rose-colored glasses
Why shouldn’t we?

Just around the corner
There’s a rainbow in the sky
So let’s have another cup o’ coffee
And let’s have another piece o’ pie!

Trouble’s just a bubble
And the clouds will soon roll by
So let’s have another cup o’ coffee
And let’s have another piece o’ pie

Let a smile be your umbrella
For it’s just an April show’r
Even John D. Rockefeller
Is looking for the silver lining

Mister Herbert Hoover
Says that now’s the time to buy
So let’s have another cup o’ coffee
And let’s have another piece o’ pie!

[Alternate Lines:]
Things that really matter
Are the things that gold can’t buy

Nice words, eh?  Whenever company came and mom made a pie it seemed to me, as a small insignificant observer in the room (seen but not heard), people were happier – much happier than if a cake was served!  Don’t get me wrong, unlike my children, I like birthday cake very much!  But pie seems to bring out the best in people.  It is by far a “Deeper Dessert” than cake.  I’ve seen many a mouth turn slowly into a big smile when you say, “I’ll make a pie”.  It does something deep in the heart.

Until next time – Think Pie! :)

Found Jersey Blueberries in KCMO!